Monday, September 26, 2005


Our church is going through a massive overhaul, changing the name, moving, and all that. And our student ministry is going through the same process. We introduced our new name last night at our youth service. we were fomerly called thryve, now we are >>beyond>> student ministries. Our goal in this ministry is to go beyond the common assumptions of what a student ministry looks like, and to equip our students to live beyond the status quo. I am really excited for the change that we are going through. It's a long process, but if we do it right I think we can build a ministry that will amaze us all. I really think our church is ready to break through some walls and I'm praying that the youth ministry will be the starting point for a lot of this. our core values are >>faith, mission, reality>>. first you believe, than you are on mission, and God helps you deal with your reality, both physical and spiritual. One of the things that I am learning in all of this is that things don't have to be super complicated, they don't have to be really hard, they don't have to be all hype. But if you leave room for God to move in your ministry, he always does.