Monday, October 10, 2005

Youth Conference & Canvas ministries

So we Just got back from our denominations youth conference for our district. It was a pretty great trip. We brought a bunch of kids and they all seemed to have a great time. One of the things that was most bizarre for me was the worship leader was a guy that used to lead worship in the youth ministry that I grew up in. I remember when he first led worship and now to see him leading thousands of teenagers into the presence of God . . . wow! What a transfroming God we serve. The greatest thing about this guy is not is musicianship even though he is amazing, he's one of the most humble people you will ever meet. I'm really proud of him. I don't want this to sound like I'm a groupie or anything but, whoa. The link above is for the ministry that he is in. If you are a youth pastor and reading this, please check out their website, I'm sure they woudl love to help you and your student worship teams.