Monday, April 03, 2006

Sunday Re-Cap

Yesterday I was given the opportunity to speak in our morning service. I talked about Bezalel and Oholiab, and I talked about spiritual gifts and how just because our gift isn't on Paul's lists, doesn't me it's not a spiritual gift. We can't put limits on Jesus and who and how he wants to give gifts too. The important thing though is that we need to use our gifts for the kingdom of God. We all need to build this church. We all need to be faithful and not bury our gifts. Sunday afternoon I fired up the BBQ after church for the first time this season. AWESOME!!! I love summer, and BBQ season. IT's the best time of year. I love it. Then sunday night we had a great evening Matt McCleary spoke about Luke 6:12 and following. He did a really great job. Matt's come a long way in the year that I have been here at tNC and I really look forward to what he's going to do and who he's going to be. All in all it was a good day even if I did lose an hour of sleep.