Friday, June 09, 2006

Taking the Bus and other ramblings

So Cutter & Buck has given me a flex pass, which is a buss pass that works on two out of the three bus systems in our region. The Bus that I want to take home however is in the system that does not take our pass. GRR! But there’s another bus that might work, but I would just have to hustle out of here like it ain’t nobody’s business. So hopefully I can make that happen. We will see. If I can make it to this bus, and get home alive and in one piece then that would be wonderful. I have been really frustrated lately with gas prices that driving my explorer has been leading me to curse OPEC, and that’s not the Christian thing to do. So I’m trying out this bus thing. If I can save money by taking the bus, then it’s worth the time. I have also found that I can be quite productive on the bus. So that’s nice, I can do work and make calls, or just read which is something that I haven’t really had much time to do lately. So we’ll see how this bus thing works out for me. It’s gonna be a fun. Continued . . . For some reason blogger wouldn’t let me on last night so I had to save this as a draft in my email. Riding the bus does seem to have it’s advantages, I can work while I ride the bus, make calls, read, go over messages, write, all that stuff, that I can’t do while driving. One of the things that I’ve been stressing out about is trying to get as many hours of productivity as possible. It’s pretty difficult at times because I’ve been spending quite a bit of time driving, so it was lame-o, but now I can take that drive time and turn it into productivity. So we’ll see how that goes. I didn’t take the bus today because I went to work early to cover somebody, and Kathy wanted me home at a specific time, which the bus would not allow, so I drove. Traffic wasn’t too bad, so I was able to stop in at starbucks, get my Devo’s in and start prepping a little bit for my next message on Sunday Morning, I was going to try to get my email and stuff too, but the network that I was getting there wasn’t available anymore. I hope it comes back. But anyway, I’ve had a fairly productive day. I only wish I could get my gym routine going again. Then life would feel normal, as for right now though I just need to watch what I eat and take the stairs whenever possible.