Friday, June 02, 2006

What a week

So the whole idea of working a part-time job, while at first a little frustrating because I’ve done this before with ministry and a part time job. But I’m really having a good time. I think this will be a great chance to get to no some folks outside of my little church bubble. The people I’m working with are really nice as well so that’s cool. Kathy has been home with her mom on BP med’s and trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s a little stressful, but we’ll pull through. I don’t know how much longer we can do this whole not knowing what’s going on thing. But I just have to trust God that he’s big enough to take care of us. Judah’s the cutest thing since, well anything. He’s great, he’s such a little person. He sleeps a lot so I don’t get to see his eye, and I don’t think he recognizes me, but he’s still pretty cute. Being at work so much really makes me miss him. I can’t wait at the end of the day to see him. It seems like I haven’t been able to blog in awhile I don’t know why, there has been a lot to talk about with Judah and Kathy, but I just haven’t had the energy or the time to really write about it. I’m speaking this coming weekend at tNC so that’s always fun. I love to talk about the Bible, and this week I’m talking about Korah’s rebellion and I’m looking at the contrasting leaders, and I’m going to try to make the application that all of us are leaders in someway or another and this message will give people a chance to kind of do a self inventory of their leadership styles. It’s Friday and I’m ready for a day off!