Friday, June 16, 2006

the week in review

This week has been really long. And I have not gone to the gym enough, I went Monday and I hope to go tomorrow. It’s really hard to balance the gym into my life with the family and two jobs. I think I’m getting cranky because of it. I need to figure out away to make this happen, it might mean going to bed really, really, early. But that would be really, really lame. Today Kathy drove me down to work and then I’ll take the bus home. That was nice of her, she sure is a peach. It’s nice being able to be home, but it’s also very difficult to work a whole bunch. But, that’s the way it goes these days. I just have to figure it all out. Kathy and I made the call to get DSL at home, so that’s hopefully going to improve things, I won’t have to go to a coffee house to get my email and stuff, so I’ll be able to do it all from home. I really don’t have anything to write today, of great significance. I did however finish three books this week while riding the bus. Confessions of a Reformission Rev by Mark Driscoll No Perfect Program by David Chow And Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places by Eugene Peterson. Confessions and Christ Plays we both great, The Perfect Program was, OK. Christ Plays was a lot of work to get through it was 3oo + pages and all very heady. There was some really great stuff in it though that I’ll have to blog about later. I’ll have to process and think and ruminate about some stuff. But Christ plays reminded me of the importance of prayer, and I have to admit, I have been really undisciplined in that area, so I started a prayer journal on my iBook. It’s been really helpful to write out what I am praying for, and it’s been helpful for me to keep those things on my mind all day. So while I’m walking from one bus stop to another I’ll be praying for various things that I had written down, people, vision, and church decisions. It’s really cool. And I love to play around with my iBook anyway, so anything that lets me use it is motivating. So I hope that I’ll be able to maintain this prayer habit. All in all I’m looking forward to a great weekend, first father’s day and all.