Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Jesus . . . what a guy

So last night I was writing my notes for >>beyond>> and I was just blown away again and again with Jesus. He's pretty stinking rad. Last week he told us not to worry, and to keep our treasure in heaven, and now this week he's telling us to be ready for his return. The only way we can really be ready is if we don't hold on to this world, but we live like the Israelites on the night of the first passover, eat with our shoes on, ready to go. This study of Luke has really been stretching me because it has caused me to have to really look at Jesus and get to know him all over again. Last year I led a bible study on sunday mornings called Jesus Unexpected where we looked at the Gospel of Mark, and a couple of years ago I went through the book of John with the youth ministry I was working in. All of these studies have really strengthed my love for Jesus, and each book has really opened my eyes to the different perspectiveson Jesus. John -- Jesus the mystic, lover of lost people, truly the son of God, embodiement of wisdom. Mark -- Jesus the action movie star, always on the move, miracle worker, teacher, efficient. Luke -- Jesus on Mission, Jesus the healer. I only have Matthew left, and I know that that book would easily take 2 years to unpack all the Jewishness behind it. This has been a great time of learning and preaching Jesus for me.