Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Locker Room Epiphany

This morning I was at the gym, which is my regular routine. Today was legs day, tomorrow Abs. After my workout and shower I was packing up my gym bag and for some reason I can't explain I started thinking about time and God and sin. I had read some where I think it was in A New Kind of Christian, by Brian McLaren (great book, interesting thoughts, don't agree with everything he says though). But one of the things that is talked about in this book is how God is outside of time, but instead of God creating the world and letting everything work on it's own. God is actually at the end of history pulling it into himself. So all things come back to God in the end, and that's when the judgement happens. I was thinking about the nature of sin then being that people resist against God's drawing us back to him. Now we can keep fighting and keep sinning, but when we submit to God's drawing and start trusting him. Then we can find peace and mercy because we are cooperating with him instead of running from him. Just a thought. And a disjointed one at that. But whatever I just needed to write it down so I could start processing it.