Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Part-time Jobs and Peeing in a Cup

So the staff here at the church are facing some pay cuts due to some financial troubles at the church. And I was already looking for a part-time job, and I got one. It's a good office job and a high-end golf apparell company. It's going to be a cool job and it pays well. But, I had to do a drug test today. I hate doing these things. Today was no different. I drank a bunch of water on my way down to the place, I figured it wouldn't take long to pee in a cup so I would be ready. Turns out I was wrong, and I drank way too much water to endure the wait. So I finnaly submitted to the will of my bladder and used the facilities. Ahh . . . relief. But I get back out to the lobby and five minutes later, they call my name. So I wasn't ready anymore. i had to drink a bunch off dixie cups of water, and finally I could go again. And incase I have any regular readers, guess what, I'm clean. It's good to know that the youth pastor has not been doing drugs. You can rest easy. Good Times. I start working at the Golf Apparell Co. on monday. It's crazy how fast this all comes about. Pray for tNC/Creekside Church, we need God to help us out.