Thursday, June 29, 2006

Donkey Talk, Allergies, Reading, etc.

So I get to speak again this week, It’s gonna be fun times. I’m talking about Balaam, and how God used his donkey to reveal spiritual truth, but really the whole story can’t be summed up with just that section of the story, so instead of a few verses we will be looking at three chapters. Some times less is more, but sometimes less is less. I really wrestled with this and how much to use, and I think I gotta go all out and hit all three chapters. So come and bring a pillow or maybe a snack. I really am going to hustle through this passage, so it won’t be too long, but consider yourselves warned. :o) In staff meeting I said that I was going to go through all three chapters and the team was a little shocked, so now the pressures on to make it good, and efficient. I think it will all work out. But I really am excited to talk about this chunk of scripture, and I know that I am going to have a good time, and I hope that carries over and that everyone else enjoys it and leaves feeling encouraged because that’s really what the gist of the message is going for. God wins, and when he blesses people he always holds up his end of the Bargain. It’s a pretty good deal. But hey if you’re reading I would really appreciate your prayers for focus and clarity, but also I have been battling my allergies pretty severe lately and I would appreciate prayer that they won’t be a factor on Sunday morning. Thanks for that. Also thanks for all the reading recommendations, I haven’t picked any up yet, but I hope to read many of them. Also if anyone has any non-fiction books they would recommend let me know. I went to borders today, while transferring buses and I just looked around and wondered what to get next, and really couldn’t get my minder around it. I think partly because this was a Borders that I had never been to before and the layout was weird. And the Shelves were really tall and I was intimidated so I left rather quickly. But please keep sending book recommendations. I really appreciated it. If you ever want a recommendation for what to read, just ask, I’ve read a lot of books, and I love to share the experience with other people. It’s weird how books take on that kind of relational glue. When two people have read the same book, you have a shared experience that is different than going to the same event or seeing a movie together, it really connects in a stronger way, that’s probably why Oprah’s book club is such a success. Maybe I’ll start a book club of my own. I won’t be hosting any dinner parties with the author anytime soon, but maybe I’ll start one. I’ll have to think about it. If today’s blog feels like a lot of Rambling (please refer to the title), it’s probably because I haven’t really had a chance in a while to sit down and write. And this is currently a down time during my Cutter & Buck time, so I’m really able to do whatever I want as long as I’m at my desk and not surfing the net. SO that limits my options quite a bit to writing myself and email in Outlook and sending it to and posting it that way. What else is going on? I have a podcast that I’ve started up it was initially a test for the church podcast to see if podomatic was as easy as everyone said it was, and it is so I adopted the test page as my own random podcast place and thus it is dubbed randomicity. Check it out, I posted Mikey doing an homage to dcTalk, and then I have also posted a video of Judah’s first Day. So if you’re interested I’m going to be posting video and stuff up there so check it out, subscribe to it via iTunes or whatever podcatcher you use. But that’s seems to be all the news that’s fit to print digitally through a pattern of 1’s and 0’s that I don’t understand. Peace.