Monday, July 03, 2006

4th of July, Patio Set, Donkey Talk

So it’s July 3rd, the church gave us today off, but Cutter & Buck didn’t. So I’m chillin’ here on a perfectly nice day waiting to go home and celebrate the BBQ that Kathy has put together. I’m really hoping the BBQ goes well tonight, there’s no agenda or real plan, we just want to get a bunch of people together and have fun. So if your reading this on July 3rd and have nothing to do, then feel free to stop in. It’s a Bring Your Own Meat BBQ, but we will have some extra food. But stop in even if just for a little while. But I mowed the Lawn and put together our new Patio Set and I still had time to come into to Cutter & Buck. It was a full press effort but I got it done and I feel pretty good about myself. I started reading A Generous Orthodoxy and so far nothing controversial, but I haven’t broken through the 30 page barrier yet so I still have a lot of pages to cover and Controversy may yet abound. I’ll keep you posted. Yesterday I talked about Balaam, and eventually you will be able to download it here. As soon as I find where the master CD went. I felt really good about the sermon and I felt like I was connecting with folks. And I had a lot of fun, and if the preacher isn’t having fun than no one is. But the message over arching message is that God is in Charge, he’ll do what he wants, and he always wins. And when I looked at the story I was just reminded time and again about our church and that we really are in an Exodus of our own. I challenged our people to pray less for getting the permits and to really focus on praying that God would change our hearts and transform us to be the church that he wants us to be. I think the message was well received and that people really accepted it. The morning of I was feeling nervous for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was ill prepared, even though I had studied, and prayed and gone over the notes a bunch, I still felt like I wasn’t totally ready, but God stepped in and really helped me out. As soon as I stood on the platform I felt sure and confident and ready to rock. I’m totally loving this Exodus series that we are going through and I hope that we can continue to go through books and stories like this. It’s fun times for bible geeks like me. But yeah if you want to check it out keep checking on, it will be there eventually.