Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Blog Review

I just went back and loked over some of my old posts. Wow, it seems like a long time ago. It's funny how things that I thought were going to be huge panned out to not much and the things that I thought were going to be not much turned out to be huge. I can't believe how quickly this church world goes. It's always, always busy. I'm still working through the Secret Message of Jesus, by McLaren. So far it's a really good book. He's been showing how Jesus was a revolutionary and how his disciples are supposed to take his revolution everywhere. Jesus message of grace and mercy and love, and the kingdom of God need to be here and now and not just in heaven. We need to live, breathe and dream the gospel. I haven't come across anything controversial in this book, maybe mclaren's got all that out of the way with Adventurs, and the Last Word. But yeah, it's a good book thus far.