Friday, June 30, 2006

Brian McLaren

So I went online to start placing books that were recommended for me on hold. And I decided to look for some other books that I have been contemplating reading for a while now. I was surprised by how many of Brian McLaren’s books were available. I was also surprised that I only had to wait for a day. I got A Generous Orthodoxy, as well as The Secret Message of Jesus. McLaren is an interesting Author because there is so much stuff that he writes that I love and totally agree with, but there are other things that just infuriate me. And I have been putting off A Generous Orthodoxy because I had a feeling that I would just get angry with some of the things that he had to say. But you know it’s better to read it and find out for myself what he says than just assume that I know. I initially discovered his books by reading A New Kind of Christian, which was a very enlightening book about Post-modernism and how the church should respond. It was told in the form of a story which was very interesting, because this way McLaren could say things that seemed controversial but it was a Character in a story and not actually a stated position by McLaren. This method of writing can be infuriating because you don’t really know what the author is saying he holds to be true and what he is just floating out there. It ingenious for the exact same reason. I really like this book and found it to be very helpful. A New Kind of Christian actually became a trilogy of books floating around the same characters. The second in the Series was, The Story We Find Ourselves In, this dealt a lot with creation and evolution, history and our role and God’s role. It was interesting, but he started to lose me with some of his evolution theories. But what he said about history was very enlightening and I enjoyed it. The Third was The Last Word and the Word After That. In this book McLaren addresses Eternity and basically says that Hell doesn’t exist. This made me very angry because it attacked one of the things that I have always believed. But it also made me think, that Hell shouldn’t be the driving force for our evangelism. Somewhere in there he wrote a book with Tony Campolo called, Adventures in Missing the Point, which also makes some rather controversial claims, but is most definitely thought provoking. So now here I am preparing to delve into some more of his works knowing that controversy is just around the corner, and I will be thinking a lot. So that’s always a good thing. I can’t say that I whole heartedly endorse any of these books, but they are interesting reads, and If you want to think and figure stuff out for yourself then have at it. But if you know that reading them will make you angry the steer clear.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Donkey Talk, Allergies, Reading, etc.

So I get to speak again this week, It’s gonna be fun times. I’m talking about Balaam, and how God used his donkey to reveal spiritual truth, but really the whole story can’t be summed up with just that section of the story, so instead of a few verses we will be looking at three chapters. Some times less is more, but sometimes less is less. I really wrestled with this and how much to use, and I think I gotta go all out and hit all three chapters. So come and bring a pillow or maybe a snack. I really am going to hustle through this passage, so it won’t be too long, but consider yourselves warned. :o) In staff meeting I said that I was going to go through all three chapters and the team was a little shocked, so now the pressures on to make it good, and efficient. I think it will all work out. But I really am excited to talk about this chunk of scripture, and I know that I am going to have a good time, and I hope that carries over and that everyone else enjoys it and leaves feeling encouraged because that’s really what the gist of the message is going for. God wins, and when he blesses people he always holds up his end of the Bargain. It’s a pretty good deal. But hey if you’re reading I would really appreciate your prayers for focus and clarity, but also I have been battling my allergies pretty severe lately and I would appreciate prayer that they won’t be a factor on Sunday morning. Thanks for that. Also thanks for all the reading recommendations, I haven’t picked any up yet, but I hope to read many of them. Also if anyone has any non-fiction books they would recommend let me know. I went to borders today, while transferring buses and I just looked around and wondered what to get next, and really couldn’t get my minder around it. I think partly because this was a Borders that I had never been to before and the layout was weird. And the Shelves were really tall and I was intimidated so I left rather quickly. But please keep sending book recommendations. I really appreciated it. If you ever want a recommendation for what to read, just ask, I’ve read a lot of books, and I love to share the experience with other people. It’s weird how books take on that kind of relational glue. When two people have read the same book, you have a shared experience that is different than going to the same event or seeing a movie together, it really connects in a stronger way, that’s probably why Oprah’s book club is such a success. Maybe I’ll start a book club of my own. I won’t be hosting any dinner parties with the author anytime soon, but maybe I’ll start one. I’ll have to think about it. If today’s blog feels like a lot of Rambling (please refer to the title), it’s probably because I haven’t really had a chance in a while to sit down and write. And this is currently a down time during my Cutter & Buck time, so I’m really able to do whatever I want as long as I’m at my desk and not surfing the net. SO that limits my options quite a bit to writing myself and email in Outlook and sending it to and posting it that way. What else is going on? I have a podcast that I’ve started up it was initially a test for the church podcast to see if podomatic was as easy as everyone said it was, and it is so I adopted the test page as my own random podcast place and thus it is dubbed randomicity. Check it out, I posted Mikey doing an homage to dcTalk, and then I have also posted a video of Judah’s first Day. So if you’re interested I’m going to be posting video and stuff up there so check it out, subscribe to it via iTunes or whatever podcatcher you use. But that’s seems to be all the news that’s fit to print digitally through a pattern of 1’s and 0’s that I don’t understand. Peace.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Reading list

Well I have been busting out a lot of books lately with my riding the bus, and I am looking for some great reads. People ask me for recommendations all the time. I would like to hear from you, what books should I read, just hit the comment button if you have any ideas. I do have some guidelines, i will not read Romance Novels, or Horror Novels. I love to read but those two things I just won't bother with. Thanks I look forward to hearing and reading your recommendations.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

This week is crazy busy, the church moving, the baby, the house, the wife, the jobs, all of life adding up to one colossal mega week. And through it all I have been unable to regularly go the the gym I gotta figure out a way to get back there and get on track

Friday, June 16, 2006

the week in review

This week has been really long. And I have not gone to the gym enough, I went Monday and I hope to go tomorrow. It’s really hard to balance the gym into my life with the family and two jobs. I think I’m getting cranky because of it. I need to figure out away to make this happen, it might mean going to bed really, really, early. But that would be really, really lame. Today Kathy drove me down to work and then I’ll take the bus home. That was nice of her, she sure is a peach. It’s nice being able to be home, but it’s also very difficult to work a whole bunch. But, that’s the way it goes these days. I just have to figure it all out. Kathy and I made the call to get DSL at home, so that’s hopefully going to improve things, I won’t have to go to a coffee house to get my email and stuff, so I’ll be able to do it all from home. I really don’t have anything to write today, of great significance. I did however finish three books this week while riding the bus. Confessions of a Reformission Rev by Mark Driscoll No Perfect Program by David Chow And Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places by Eugene Peterson. Confessions and Christ Plays we both great, The Perfect Program was, OK. Christ Plays was a lot of work to get through it was 3oo + pages and all very heady. There was some really great stuff in it though that I’ll have to blog about later. I’ll have to process and think and ruminate about some stuff. But Christ plays reminded me of the importance of prayer, and I have to admit, I have been really undisciplined in that area, so I started a prayer journal on my iBook. It’s been really helpful to write out what I am praying for, and it’s been helpful for me to keep those things on my mind all day. So while I’m walking from one bus stop to another I’ll be praying for various things that I had written down, people, vision, and church decisions. It’s really cool. And I love to play around with my iBook anyway, so anything that lets me use it is motivating. So I hope that I’ll be able to maintain this prayer habit. All in all I’m looking forward to a great weekend, first father’s day and all.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

the Perfect Program

Riding the bus has given me great opportunities to read and process things that I normally don’t get to for some reason. Like today, I ended up working through a book, The Perfect Program: and Other Fairy Tales. It’s a youth ministry book, by a guy named David Chow. It’s a great book, and it’s a nice reminder that all the aspects of youth ministry, all the criterion for success, all the standards and metric, all the people, and everything you do is a process. It’s never going to be perfect. It’s just a good reminder from time to time, that there is always more to do, more to learn, and more to improve upon. It’s a great little book for youth pastors to read, and I greatly recommend it.

Superman & Jesus, any similarities

I for one am as giddy as a school-girl for the new superman movie. Bryan Singer is the man and I know that he's is going to do Superman justice, like he did with X-men. But I came across this article today and I thought I would post it. It is an interesting read, and it's always cool to see how pop-cultrure and our faith can cross paths. So read the CNN article here

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Church Team

I have to say, I love working at tNC/Creekside. We are going through the process of becoming a new church, essentially we are becoming a church plant. As such we are stripping our church and how we do things down to the bare minimum, trying to figure out what Jesus has called our church to be. Today we had a conversation about the future of our church that I think could have the potential to breathe new life into us, and to re-energize a lot of people. It’s pretty exciting times at tNC/Creekside Church. But honestly here is the best part about our church. We are working as a team like never before. The entire staff seems to be gellin’ or getting closer to gellin’ like a team should. During our management team meetings we are able to have real, honest conversations like what we had today, and no one left offended or angry or threatened. It was really cool to think that this team of people is getting along so well, and working to become what Jesus wants us to be. I can honestly say that I love being here. We went through Death by Meeting as a team and it was one of those books that really helped us to see the value of honesty and conflict and saying what we really feel in meetings instead of just being yes-men and women. It’s been cool to mine conflict and to hear what people really think about what’s going on and different ideas. And nothing is personal, we are all looking to make our church stronger and better. When I was at the Church that was on the North Shore of Lake Washington, this was not the case at all. It always felt like we were walking on eggshells, and couldn’t say what we really felt, and that even if everyone disagreed with the leader we were still going to do what he wanted to do. It was a leadership dead-zone. I wasn’t challenged and I wasn’t equipped. Here at tNC/Creekside, I am becoming growing as a leader, I am growing as a Christian, my ideas are being challenged, I am getting challenges in my assignments, my ideas are appreciated, discussed and shot-down or pursued as necessary. It’s really great. So if any one from tNC/Creekside is reading this you should be comforted to know that your church is not a one man show, and that we are all striving to make tNC/Creekside stronger and better, and your leaders are trying to be a strong team. Also cool news, our podcast is starting to pick up listeners even though we moved servers. This is great news because as we move forward we need to be able to communicate information for the whole church in as many ways as possible. So this is a great way to get information out. If you haven’t already subscribed to the Creekside Cast, click on the link and get hooked up. You don’t need an iPod, and iTunes is totally free to download so it’s the coolest thing ever.


Yeah so Judah really didn't want to sleep at all yesterday. What's the deal. he was doing so good for so long, and then yesterday he opted to be a little punk. I just hope today is better than yesterday and last night.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Well I finished reading Driscoll’s book, Confessions of a Reformission Rev. Great book! I have talked about it before in the blog, but it is really a great read. I was challenged and inspired. What’s really amazing is the church has grown so fast in so short a time. Amazing. I was also challenged because they are not done yet. They are still striving to grow and reach more people. And I think that’s something that all churches should try to do. The idea that a church should stay small because it builds a nice sense of community is laziness. And I gotta say the same thing about youth ministries. I am currently leading a ministry of about 25, regular attendees, and 60 on paper. But it’s really the 25 that count. I’m doing good as far as the national average goes, and in proportion to my church’s size we are alright. But there are so many lost, hurting kids that need to know Jesus. I shouldn’t ever be satisfied with the size of my ministry. I shouldn’t ever feel like we’ve arrived, because there is always work to be done. That’s the biggest thing that I took away from Confessions, there is always more to be done. It was also encouraging to read about how Mars Hill went through several stages of chaos and during that Chaos they were actually able to keep growing. Things that would have ruined other churches actually became sources of unity and strength in their community. Driscoll also writes in such a way that he sounds smart, funny, and like a regular dude all at the same time. I’ll be honest, I really respect Driscoll and all that he and Mars Hill have accomplished, I like his preaching style and I tend to model my preaching after him a little bit because it just feels comfortable. But yeah this book is a great resource for leaders in churches, or people aspiring to church leadership. It paints a real picture of what church life is like.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Taking the Bus and other ramblings

So Cutter & Buck has given me a flex pass, which is a buss pass that works on two out of the three bus systems in our region. The Bus that I want to take home however is in the system that does not take our pass. GRR! But there’s another bus that might work, but I would just have to hustle out of here like it ain’t nobody’s business. So hopefully I can make that happen. We will see. If I can make it to this bus, and get home alive and in one piece then that would be wonderful. I have been really frustrated lately with gas prices that driving my explorer has been leading me to curse OPEC, and that’s not the Christian thing to do. So I’m trying out this bus thing. If I can save money by taking the bus, then it’s worth the time. I have also found that I can be quite productive on the bus. So that’s nice, I can do work and make calls, or just read which is something that I haven’t really had much time to do lately. So we’ll see how this bus thing works out for me. It’s gonna be a fun. Continued . . . For some reason blogger wouldn’t let me on last night so I had to save this as a draft in my email. Riding the bus does seem to have it’s advantages, I can work while I ride the bus, make calls, read, go over messages, write, all that stuff, that I can’t do while driving. One of the things that I’ve been stressing out about is trying to get as many hours of productivity as possible. It’s pretty difficult at times because I’ve been spending quite a bit of time driving, so it was lame-o, but now I can take that drive time and turn it into productivity. So we’ll see how that goes. I didn’t take the bus today because I went to work early to cover somebody, and Kathy wanted me home at a specific time, which the bus would not allow, so I drove. Traffic wasn’t too bad, so I was able to stop in at starbucks, get my Devo’s in and start prepping a little bit for my next message on Sunday Morning, I was going to try to get my email and stuff too, but the network that I was getting there wasn’t available anymore. I hope it comes back. But anyway, I’ve had a fairly productive day. I only wish I could get my gym routine going again. Then life would feel normal, as for right now though I just need to watch what I eat and take the stairs whenever possible.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Rob Bell

So yesterday I talked about Mark Driscoll, who pastors a church in Seattle Called Mars Hill. Well there's another pastorof another Mars Hill in Grandville, MI named Rob Bell. Bell's book Velvet Elvis is a great read, and I highly recommend it. Well anyway I came across this article about him this morning, and I just though I would share it with all of you. It's cool to see churches that are a little out of the ordinary exploding with growth. I think the key behind both Mars Hill Seattle and Mars Hill Grandville, is authenticity. They are themselves through and through, the churches don't try to be anyone else, the pastors are not trying to be the next Rick Warren or Bill Hybles, they're just being themselves. Pretty cool.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

This past weekend I had the opportunity to speak at our Sunday Morning service. It’s always a good time for me, maybe not for everyone in the seats, but whatever. I don’t know if it’s arrogant or cocky to say this, but I really like public speaking, specifically preaching. I love it. It’s just so much fun. This past week was no exception. I talked about Korah’s Rebellion from Numbers 16 the text of that message is below. It’s kind of a difficult topic because it’s not a feel good message, so I had to find a way to make it applicable to people’s lives (because let’s be honest, God hasn’t been causing the earth to swallow people lately.). I said something that I’ve been getting a lot of comments about, all good. I said that some days you should come to church and wear your cup. I just floated it out there subtly. I didn’t think anyone caught it because I went over it so fast. But after service a lot of folks said they didn’t get it at first, they thought I was talking about cup cups, and not athletic cups. So they caught it late but that’s okay. I said it because I thought it was funny but I also said it because I think it’s true. One of the things that the seeker sensitive movement has spawned in many churches is this mentality that you should always feel good after you leave church. It’s a very consumer mentality, and frankly I don’t think it’s biblical. Sure there are messages that will inspire, lift you up, or energize you. But Church should not always be a self-help seminar. Someone, sometime once said that the church must address the felt-needs of a people group. I don’t know what that means but I’m pretty sure the biggest need that we all have is that we are sinners. I don’t know what a bigger felt need would be. Frankly we need to be reminded from time to time exactly who we are, sinners saved by grace. If we don’t talk about our failures or our shortcomings in church then we will only set people up for a fall. We need to be honest about this kind of stuff. There’s a popular Televangelist down in Texas who never talks about negative things, he likes to focus on the positive. That kind of thinking leaves a lot of the Bible off limits, like most of the prophets, a lot of the psalms, Jesus statements to religious people, and more. All the Bible is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training up in righteousness. I’ve been reading Mark Driscoll’s new book Confessions of a Reformission Rev. It’s been really cool to see how he has had to stand up for the gospel time and time again. Here’s a church in one of the most liberal cities in the country, that is religiously conservative and yet growing like crazy. He’s had his battles, he had to take unpopular stands, and he most definitely is not a tickle-your ears kind of preacher, and his church is growing. I’m sure that there are many lessons for me to learn from his example, not that I want to be Mark Driscoll, but he’s definitely paved a way for churches to talk about the whole Bible unashamedly again.

The Wrath of Korah

Wrath of Korah June 4th, 2006 Numbers 16 Well Good morning. Thanks for your prayers and support over the past week and a half, Judah and Kathy are both doing well, and they’re both getting cuter than ever. Today we are going to be talking about a conflict in leadership. In Leviticus 16. And I want this guiding principle to be in all of our minds this morning, “All of us are leaders”. Everyone one of us is a leader in some way or another, at work, in your family, in a hobby, you might lead a team, and even here at church. Some people may have various levels of leadership and that’s fine but we are all leaders in some way or another. And today the passage that we are talking about is leadership. We are going to look at two different leadership styles and find out what God wants for us. If this is your first time with us here at tNC/Creekside, we have been going through the desert with the children of Israel and the adults as well. And we are looking at what happened to them and seeing how it applies to us. We are not going verse by verse because that would take forever. So we are looking at some of the major stories and gleaning from them. So where are we in the story. The spies have gone into the land. They saw the gians and chickened out. God said “alright because of your doubt you get to hang out in the wilderness for forty more years”, and when they heard this the Israelites tried to go into the land anyway and were soundly defeated. So now we have a guy named Korah who wants to get his own way, and so he gets some of his friends together and causes a ruckus. So let’s take a look at Numbers 16 starting in verse 1. 1 Korah son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and certain Reubenites—Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth—became insolent [a] 2 and rose up against Moses. With them were 250 Israelite men, well-known community leaders who had been appointed members of the council. 3 They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them, "You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the LORD is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the LORD's assembly?" ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Korah’s desire for leadership was based in Arrogance Korah wanted to be the leader, he thought that he deserved something, he thought that everyone should be the high priest but specifically him. He felt that Moses and Aaron have gone to far to set up restrictions on the priest hood, and they wanted to be priests too. -- Story of friend who only wanted to be a youth pastor. That’s an incredibly arrogant attitude, and after he said that I didn’t really want him on my team. I think it’s one thing to want to be a leader, it’s another thing to desire to be a leader because you think you deserve it, like Korah’s crew I think as leaders and as christians we constantly have to ask our selves who do we think we are? Because the truth is we are nothing without Christ.  4 When Moses heard this, he fell facedown. 2. Moses’ Leadership was based on his humility. Preachers tend to give Moses a hard time for a couple of things. - The Burning Bush -- He didn’t think he was worthy or that he had the ability. - “The Most Humble Man” quote -- we think it’s pretty arrogant to write something like that about ourselves, and truthfully it is, but for Moses it seems that it was true. Humility is so vital to leadership. There’s a difference between humility and self degredation. You don’t have to go around and beat yourself up and say that you’re no good. But you should definitely not tout yourself as being it on a stick and the ultimate in anything you’re doing. The truth is there is always somebody better than you, and the God you serve is even better than them. So keep a right perspective on yourself and it will be well with you. don’t puff yourself up, don’t make yourself out to be someone that you are not. Be willing to humble yourself. 5 Then he said to Korah and all his followers: "In the morning the LORD will show who belongs to him and who is holy, and he will have that person come near him. The man he chooses he will cause to come near him. 6 You, Korah, and all your followers are to do this: Take censers 7 and tomorrow put fire and incense in them before the LORD. The man the LORD chooses will be the one who is holy. You Levites have gone too far!" ____________________________________________________________________ 3. God chooses whom He wants in leadership. Moses humbles himself but then he gives a command, a humble leader isn’t afraid to speak the truth if he knows that he is right. Moses must have had a supernatural confidence at this time, so that he could confront these people like this. But he also has a solution. What’s all this censer business. Is anyone here from a catholic or liturgical church background? Remember the incense? it was burning in a censer, which is basically a hanging pot that you can swing back and forth, these were important for the israelite worship service it was used to make things holy, to welcome God’s presence and all that. So Moses is saying, if you think your holy and you should be calling the shots and leading the priesthood, then lets do this little exercise and God will decide whom he wants. You try to do the work of the priest and see how it goes. God’s pretty smart, he can figure out who he wants in leadership. Sometimes God brings people that we don’t expect. Sometimes he removes the most likely candidate in our eyes, but all in all, He chooses who he wants. Sometimes people come up to those in leadership and say, I can do your job better than you. There are days when I just want to say, alright, why don’t you do it, and see what happens. I could use the day off. It’s funny but not everyone should desire to be in the ministry. Becuase somedays it’s a lot like cleaning a porta-potty and your just catching crud all day. If you’re not called to be a pastor don’t try to be a pastor? God hasn’t chosen Korah, but Korah wants it so badly, and it’s really not going to work out to well for him.  8 Moses also said to Korah, "Now listen, you Levites! 9 Isn't it enough for you that the God of Israel has separated you from the rest of the Israelite community and brought you near himself to do the work at the LORD's tabernacle and to stand before the community and minister to them? 10 He has brought you and all your fellow Levites near himself, but now you are trying to get the priesthood too. 11 It is against the LORD that you and all your followers have banded together. Who is Aaron that you should grumble against him?" ______________________________________________________________________ This section is key to the conflict. Korah is saying that everyone should be a priest, and Moses and Aaron are trying to control the leadership, and next in line for the High priesthood are Aaron’s Sons. The ironic this is Korah is a levite, which is the tribe of priests. Korah was already working around the Tabernacle, he was intricately involved in the worship community. But he wasn’t content with where God had him, he wanted more. 4. Godly leaders do not desire undue promotion. We’ll get what we deserve when we deserve it. You can’t always be looking at your bosses job. You might not be the next Howard Shultz when you just started working as a barista. It’s good to have goals, but you can’t focus on way down the road and forget where you are right now. I have dreams and goals for my life in ministry, someday I’d like to do this, someday I’d like to do that. But I can’t neglect today for someday. Where has god put you? Are you being a faithful steward to what God has given you? One of the questions that I hate is, “when are you going to be a real pastor?” or, “When are you going to lead your own church?” Someday I might be a lead pastor but I’m in no rush, because God has me where he wants me today. If you want a raise, earn it, if you want a promotion, work for it. If you want to lead in ministry, start by serving in a ministry. Jesus said that whoever wants to be the greatest must become the least. This is one of the things about our faith that sets us apart. The world is dog eat dog, and do whatever you can to get ahead, but that’s not the way that our faith is supposed to be, as Christians we should be comfortable to start at the bottom and work our way up. Are you comfortable enough in your leadership to lead through serving? Or do you think that you deserve better? Start at the bottom and work your way up. God sees your heart, you’ll get where he wants you to go. But humble yourself and start where you need to start.  12 Then Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. But they said, "We will not come! 13 Isn't it enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert? And now you also want to lord it over us? 14 Moreover, you haven't brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you gouge out the eyes of [b] these men? No, we will not come!" ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Undeserving leaders refuse to play by the rules. These people are complainers and whiners, they try to work the system in their favor and when it doesn’t work out for them they usually say they are getting the shaft and don’t even show up. Have you ever worked with someone who demanded special treatment, but they really had no rights for it? Is that you, are you a complainer or whiner until you get your way? I can’t stress enough that if you are working hard in the system, and doing what your bosses say, or what your parents say and doing it well, it will go well with you. If you are leading and working with integrity, you lose nothing, but if you become the whiner, the system manipulator then you could lose everything. 6. Undeserving leaders shift the blame onto others. is it really Moses’ fault that they are not in the land flowing with milk and Honey? No! Who’s keeping the people out of the land flowing with milk and honey? The People. As we heard the last two weeks it was their unwillingness to trust God that kept them from the promised land. It wasn’t Moses fault. He led them there and they chickened out. People who make excuses and shift the blame on others are liars. If you messed up, man up and take the heat. It’s going to make you stronger, it’s going to make you better. If you keep shifting the blame for your mistakes and problems then you are going to burn some bridges and other people. You’ve heard the phrase, “a bad carpenter blames his tools.” It’s never his fault. It’s not the tool’s fault “I have a bad hammer.” It’s not the hammer, it’s you! You look at your life, the excuses that you are coming up with are lame, you are responsible for your actions, You messed up, now deal with it.  15 Then Moses became very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not accept their offering. I have not taken so much as a donkey from them, nor have I wronged any of them." ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Godly leaders are not afraid to pray for Justice. If you are doing God’s will, doing good, you have nothing to fear from God. So you can pray for justice without worry. But if you aren’t just you should not pray for justice, because you just might get it. don’t complain about other people getting ahead or not treating you fairly if you’re a jerk to others. You’re not responsible for them you’re responsible for you. so how are you living? Do you deserve Justice? Can you pray for justice with clean hands? It’s all about integrity, we see in Moses Humility, and Integrity, That’s Godly leadership. So Far Korah and his crew are Arrogant Whiners.  16 Moses said to Korah, "You and all your followers are to appear before the LORD tomorrow—you and they and Aaron. 17 Each man is to take his censer and put incense in it—250 censers in all—and present it before the LORD. You and Aaron are to present your censers also." 18 So each man took his censer, put fire and incense in it, and stood with Moses and Aaron at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. 19 When Korah had gathered all his followers in opposition to them at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the glory of the LORD appeared to the entire assembly. 20 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 21 "Separate yourselves from this assembly so I can put an end to them at once."  22 But Moses and Aaron fell facedown and cried out, "O God, God of the spirits of all mankind, will you be angry with the entire assembly when only one man sins?" ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Godly leaders are concerned about God’s people. So Moses lays out what all the rebels are supposed to do. they put the incense in the censers and they go to the Tent of Meeting, and God tells moses that He’s going to destroy the assembly because of his anger. Moses pleads with God, not to do this thing because it’s really just the few that are sinning not everyone. God is a righteous God and he doesn’t tolerate sin, but God has given us time to bring people under his grace. Who are you pleading for? Who are you crying out to God for? If you can’t answer that question that you need to start praying that God would give you people to be concerned for. We all need this, we all need to be willing to stand before God on behalf of people who are not serving him. In the Chairs in front of you there’s a prayer card that you can put people’s names on and pray for them. If you haven’t done that go ahead and make that happen. The important question is, “Do you even care about lost people?” Because their are eternal consequences, and God uses us to help change people’s eternity. If you are not praying for lost people, you need to start. If you are not serving God today then today is a great day to start your eternity with him.  23 Then the LORD said to Moses, 24 "Say to the assembly, 'Move away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram.' "  25 Moses got up and went to Dathan and Abiram, and the elders of Israel followed him. 26 He warned the assembly, "Move back from the tents of these wicked men! Do not touch anything belonging to them, or you will be swept away because of all their sins." 27 So they moved away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram had come out and were standing with their wives, children and little ones at the entrances to their tents.  28 Then Moses said, "This is how you will know that the LORD has sent me to do all these things and that it was not my idea: 29 If these men die a natural death and experience only what usually happens to men, then the LORD has not sent me. 30 But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave, [c] then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt." ______________________________________________________________________ 9. Godly leaders Believe that God can do whatever God wants to do. God’s bigger and more powerful than us, and he can do whatever he wants to do. We can’t put limits on him, we can’t command him, we can’t live our lives not serving him and expect to be okay. Moses understands this. Moses has seen God do incredible mighty things, and he knows that God has ways of getting people’s attention. So Moses is like, if God’s cool with these guys, then they’re going to be fine, live a nice long time, and die a natural death. But if not, God’s going to do something completely different.  31 As soon as he finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart 32 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, with their households and all Korah's men and all their possessions. 33 They went down alive into the grave, with everything they owned; the earth closed over them, and they perished and were gone from the community. 34 At their cries, all the Israelites around them fled, shouting, "The earth is going to swallow us too!"  35 And fire came out from the LORD and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense. So Moses said the earth would swallow them up and so it did. This must have been the craziest thing to see. It could have been an earthquake, but the earth closed back up. God must have done this, and this freaked everyone out and they start running away, and God destroys the 250 men who were burning the incense. Now we have to ask, why would God do this? Why do these stories we are looking at have such incredible violence, and why does God seem to approve of and do this destroying? It’s all about protection. God is protecting his people from divisiveness, and he is protecting them from people who are going to lead them out of God’s will. They have already given God the finger by not trusting him to lead them into the promised land. And now they are trying to over throw God’s leaders. So God is going to show them who’s ultimately in charge. And the truth is that Moses may be God’s leader over the Israelites, but really God is the one who’s calling the shots,and one can only go so long ignoring God’s leadership. It’s seems bizarre, and it isn’t the picture of God that most people have in their mind. Most people think God is a Giant hippie in the Sky who is just passing out love and peace. And God is loving and gracious, and full of mercy. But at the same time God is a God of Justice, and he will exact justice to protect his people. Justice and righteousness are God’s primary characteristics.  36 The LORD said to Moses, 37 "Tell Eleazar son of Aaron, the priest, to take the censers out of the smoldering remains and scatter the coals some distance away, for the censers are holy- 38 the censers of the men who sinned at the cost of their lives. Hammer the censers into sheets to overlay the altar, for they were presented before the LORD and have become holy. Let them be a sign to the Israelites."  39 So Eleazar the priest collected the bronze censers brought by those who had been burned up, and he had them hammered out to overlay the altar, 40 as the LORD directed him through Moses. This was to remind the Israelites that no one except a descendant of Aaron should come to burn incense before the LORD, or he would become like Korah and his followers. _____________________________________________________________________ 10. Even though the people making the offering were not God’s chosen, their offerings were still holy. messed up people can still influence the kingdom. Just because you may have had a pastor that hurt you or misled you, doesn’t mean you should just throw away everything they ever taught you. Bad leadership can sometimes result in good fruit. Because God is still big. I have been to churches, where the leadership was bad but there were still good growing people. God can use whoever he wants to, there’s a story in Numbers where God talks through a donkey. If he can use that donkey he can use people who are jacked up too. So these bad leaders were making offerings that were still honorable even if the leaders weren’t. So Moses honors the offering for what it is, and uses it as a teaching moment, so that people will always remember that Aaron’s descendants were the ones chosen to lead the people in sacrifices to God. And he commands that the bronze from the censers be used to overlay the altar, so that people who see the altar can always be reminded That God has chosen the Sons of Aaron.  41 The next day the whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. "You have killed the LORD's people," they said.  42 But when the assembly gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron and turned toward the Tent of Meeting, suddenly the cloud covered it and the glory of the LORD appeared. 43 Then Moses and Aaron went to the front of the Tent of Meeting, 44 and the LORD said to Moses, 45 "Get away from this assembly so I can put an end to them at once." And they fell facedown.  46 Then Moses said to Aaron, "Take your censer and put incense in it, along with fire from the altar, and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them. Wrath has come out from the LORD; the plague has started." 47 So Aaron did as Moses said, and ran into the midst of the assembly. The plague had already started among the people, but Aaron offered the incense and made atonement for them. 48 He stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped. 49 But 14,700 people died from the plague, in addition to those who had died because of Korah. 50 Then Aaron returned to Moses at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, for the plague had stopped. _____________________________________________________________________ So the people who witnessed this began to grumble against Moses and Aaron, I can’t believe that they killed these men, i can’t believe it, I don’t think this is right, how can this be. They blame Moses for killing the rebellious people. Now this is funny, because Moses is just a dude, how could he possibly have killed all these men with fire? How could he have commanded the earth to swallow them whole? How could Moses have been responsible for that? It’s funny and tragic, but these people are denying that God is in this, and that God is doing these things, it’s not Moses. So they start to Grumble and God’s like alright, I can’t handle these people anymore, I’m going to send a plague to wipe them out, and I’ll start over with Moses. God’s started over with just Noah before, he can do it again, so he gets to work. But Moses loves these people, and sends Aaron into the midst of the plague. With a censer to stop the plague from spreading. Aaron and Moses are willing to risk their own lives to stand in the way of God’s wrath. 11. Godly leaders will take big risks, even for those who don’t buy into their leadership. I think that this is one of the most telling aspects of Moses’ leadership, time and again, he is willing to stand in front of God on behalf of a grumbling and rebellious people. He knows that these people don’t all agree that he’s the man for the job, but he knows that the people need to move forward, and he believes that they can do the right thing even if they don’t believe they can. Now if I can be so bold as to talk about our church’s leadership. You need to know that we love you, the pastors, the elders,the deacons, we love you. And our heart is that you would get on mission with Jesus, and as we move forward we are hoping that you would catch the heart for the move to Mountlake Terrace, and that together we can make an eternal difference in that city. Even if you don’t we will still pray for you, we will still invest in you, and we will still love you. Here in this story Aaron is willing to run into the plague that God sent on the people, to stop it’s spread. Godly leadership is all about laying down your life for others. You don’t have to die, but you do have to realize that this is not about you. And when you realize that it’s not about you anymore, you are much more willing to take risks, you are much more willing to do things that might seem crazy to people that don’t understand but if God’s called you then you’ll do it. As a church this move is not our idea, this transformation is a God thing, he’s working on our hearts trying to transform us and make us stronger, more loving Christians who understand his heart for lost people. God is transforming all of us to be leaders in his kingdom. And sometimes it’s painful for us, because God really has to work on us, but it’s a good thing, he’s making us stronger and stronger and better leaders in his kingdom And the most important leading that you can do is leading somebody to Christ. If you love people with God’s heart that you are going to be willing to take the risk to stand in the gap for them and pray that their hearts would be open for the Gospel, and that you would have the courage to be the leader that God is calling you to be, and help them to cross over to a life of faith and love in Jesus Christ. Let’s pray. Discussion Questions ICE BREAKER: Name some Famous Leaders and what they are known for. Read Numbers 16, each person reading one verse at a time. 1. Why do you think Korah wanted the priest hood? 2. Why was Moses able to trust that God would accept his offering? 3. What do you lead? 4. Are you leading more like Moses or Korah? 5. How can we pray for you?

Creekside Cast

Hey Everyone who is reading this, If you have subscribed to the Creekside Podcast awesome. Did you know that we have moved over to a new server? You will have to move there too to continue to get the podcast. The Server is here You can download stuff directly from there. You can also subscribe throughiTunes by clicking this link As we continue to move forward in the church the podcast will be a valuable tool in communicating what's happening. It will also be a great way for you to tell your friends about Creekside Church, and give them a taste of what to expect before they even show up. So please subscribe to or move your subscription to the new Podcast. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tuesdays with YAHWEH

Well, it’s Tuesday and things are going pretty slow here at C&B. I busted out the mail, the packages, the phones, I stuffed about one hundred envelopes, and now I’m chillin’ a little bit. Today was staff meeting day, and it was probably one of the best staff meetings that we’ve had in a long time. We had a great devotional/discussion about God’s will. It was cool to hear everyone’s thoughts on what God cares about. I remember when I was younger at Cedar Park, and I heard Pastor Joe talking about how God’s will affected everyone, but that he sees the big picture while we tend to get stuck on the micro picture. God cares about the Micro, but really his heart is on the big issues, and how he is transforming us through the little stuff to become who he wants us to be. I love when staff meeting takes a life of it’s own and we can have real discussions about stuff that’s more personal than who’s doing what on a Sunday morning, or what major events are coming that we need to plan for. Also I have been working on changing out podcast server because we have been having troubles with the original way we were posting our audio. But I found a really simple, easy, and cool to look at way of podcasting. You can check out the NEW podcast hereand you can still get some of the older messages here. I really enjoy the podcast, it’s fun to figure these things out, and we are going to start podcasting the weekly announcements, so I’m going to get to play around with Garage Band and have fun making that production. While I’m writing I might as well right about Judah because he’s the man. He slept like a champ last night, and I actually woke up with the energy to go to the Gym. It was wonderful. He’s really cute when he sleeps too.

Friday, June 02, 2006

What a week

So the whole idea of working a part-time job, while at first a little frustrating because I’ve done this before with ministry and a part time job. But I’m really having a good time. I think this will be a great chance to get to no some folks outside of my little church bubble. The people I’m working with are really nice as well so that’s cool. Kathy has been home with her mom on BP med’s and trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s a little stressful, but we’ll pull through. I don’t know how much longer we can do this whole not knowing what’s going on thing. But I just have to trust God that he’s big enough to take care of us. Judah’s the cutest thing since, well anything. He’s great, he’s such a little person. He sleeps a lot so I don’t get to see his eye, and I don’t think he recognizes me, but he’s still pretty cute. Being at work so much really makes me miss him. I can’t wait at the end of the day to see him. It seems like I haven’t been able to blog in awhile I don’t know why, there has been a lot to talk about with Judah and Kathy, but I just haven’t had the energy or the time to really write about it. I’m speaking this coming weekend at tNC so that’s always fun. I love to talk about the Bible, and this week I’m talking about Korah’s rebellion and I’m looking at the contrasting leaders, and I’m going to try to make the application that all of us are leaders in someway or another and this message will give people a chance to kind of do a self inventory of their leadership styles. It’s Friday and I’m ready for a day off!